
Showing posts from January, 2018

Blockchain: Hype or Reality?

Blockchain is one of the hottest topics in technology today. There is a lot of poorly informed hype surrounding blockchain but there is a great deal of promise also. I recently read an article on a pilot blockchain project undertaken by a major company, one which has been responsible for some wonderful technology. The article claimed that blockchain was enabling a swathe of new capabilities, but every single capability described was simply nothing new - been around for years, in fact I designed a system over 20 years ago that had all of the capabilities of this supposedly groundbreaking blockchain. It seems that the only reason blockchain was involved in this project was to ensure that it got funding and publicity! This type of hype could easily drive us to dismiss the technology altogether, but I think that would be wrong. This is an interesting technology that we should understand, if only to spot the hype. Its still a young technology and I think it will take years for it to mat

6 Things Martial Arts Taught Me About Business

I took up martial arts when I was 19 and had some early success in competitions, but I put none of my success down to natural ability, it was a function of determination, willingness to learn and the fact that I was fortunate enough to have some wonderful teachers and role models. One of my best friends competed in the Seoul Olympics and he infected me with his endless determination, positivity and humility. Perseverance Fixes Everything! Martial arts require the practitioner to learn new movements and techniques, some of which are complex and in even un-natural. The idea of getting your foot above your head isn’t something most people think about let alone practice! These techniques are mastered through repetition and perseverance. If you work hard and keep at it, you will improve. It’s such a cliché but its at the core of my belief system. There is nothing that cannot be improved with hard work and perseverance. My favorite technique in TaeKwonDo competitions was my trust

Performing Under Pressure

If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs...Rudyard Kipling Most people do not perform well under pressure but I believe its a skill that can be learned and developed. In the 80's and 90's I was a competitive full contact martial artist. I learned about pressure by getting in the ring with other highly trained martial artists who were completely focused on hurting me and trying to knock me out! I was fascinated to see how some competitors performed better under pressure and others crumbled. I wanted to learn how I could get the best out of myself at the most important time, something I always admired in others. All of my sporting heroes were always capable of digging deep and finding something inside themselves when they most needed it. We can all learn to perform under pressure. How Pressure Affects Our Brains The cerebral cortex is the area of the brain responsible for the higher functions such as reasoning and logic but an evolutionary older pa